Who is reading your direct marketing campaign emails? When and what are they are clicking on?

EMindReader.com's Email Technology Solutions (ETS) market intelligence software is a perfectly integrated solution for learning everything about who is clicking, what they click on, and when they do it.

Put simply, our technology is quite remarkable. By conducting one email campaign to your customers, prospects, members, or a targeted list, the recipients are presented with a graphically rich and active link functional digital brochure. You receive INVALUABLE MARKET INTELLIGENCE such as:

  • Who opened the email, by name and address.
  • What items or links were clicked or viewed.
  • What date and time the links were clicked.
  • How long the recipient viewed a specific link or item.

E-MindReader.com lets you communicate more efficiently and enhances your understanding of the recipient's thought process.

About EmindReader.com
Over the past two years, EMindReader.com has deployed its technology to virtually all sectors of public and private commerce, including Fortune 500 firms, several of the countries largest county and municipal governments, and hundreds of membership and professional associations.

L.S. Gov. Inc. is a Washington, DC-based leading provider of customized communications solutions for governments, industries, and businesses. EMindReader.com is our division that empowers associations, businesses, and government bodies to leverage our email technology to significantly reduce communication costs while gathering valuable market intelligence.

EMindReader.com maintains email lists reaching over 1/4th of the voting population of the United States, along with the profiles of the owners of these emails.


EMindReader's ETS allows your company to:

Gather valuable marketing intelligence
Gather valuable metrics on click-throughs, traffic, readers, and the effectiveness of your email campaigns
Automatically "scrape" your existing site to create emails that look identical to your existing site
Leverage your email marketing lists and campaigns more fully
Easily create graphically rich marketing emails
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